Organic Papua Arabica Coffee Full of Benefits

The fertile land makes Indonesia rich in plantation products, especially upland plantations such as coffee. One of the highlands in Indonesia turns out to produce the best Arabica coffee, low in acid and caffeine. Some coffee lovers and observers say arabica coffee from the highlands of Papua is one of the best coffees Indonesia has.

Arabica coffee grown in the peak area of Jayawijaya mountains has acid levels that close to zero, and low caffeine. Because the higher the place, the better arabica coffee will be. Arabica coffee is grown at 2,000 meters above sea level, geographically, it is among the highest in the world. So it is pollution free, pest free, and does not require fertilizer.

The coffee is also exported to several European countries and even America, but many Indonesian people do not know the greatness of Papuan coffee. Organic coffee that has 10 times the antioxidants of lemons, and is used as a medicine for several diseases in America, such as breast cancer and vertigo. Caffeine obtained from the highlands of Papua is the best breast cancer preventive. One of the organic Arabica coffees from Papua is labeled Hibo, the coffee is harvested and processed in Papua. This process is carried out to maintain the quality of the coffee beans that harvested, to be processed and packaged immediately. Arabica coffee, which is susceptible to pests, is grown organically and given special treatment to be pest free. To maintain quality, it is roasted directly in Papua, just taken out when it’s ready.

Hibo itself only releases two types or two different flavors according to the processing stage. First, dark French which is lighter and black Italian, which has a stronger and blacker Arabica taste.

When sipped, dark french has the same bitter taste as Arabica in general but the sour taste is thinner. Meanwhile, black Italian, has a stronger aroma and bitterness, but has absolutely minimal sourness. The waste from organic coffee is good for detoxification. By boiling again using hot water, and drunk without mixture.


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